Wednesday, April 18, 2012

So I was just listening to Kelly Clarkson "Stronger"

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" I know that this statement is suppose to be a anthem to people that indicates that trials make you stronger. There is little doubt in my mind that certain trails in fact do make you stronger (i.e. Exercise and College). One of the obvious problems with the statement is that if the trial in fact does kill, obviously it will not make you stronger. Also some things don't kill you but leave you crippled for life. While being crippled doesn't necessarily make you less strong, but the argument could easily be made.

No doubt overcoming productive trials can make you stronger in important was like exercise and college, but "overcoming productive trials make you stronger" doesn't have as nice a ring to it.

Friday, April 6, 2012

An Old Thought

One of the most common thoughts about what began the American Revolution is the lack of representation American Colonies had in the taxation process.

I remember having the thought sitting in 3rd grade history. Would we still be British if they would have said "Hey, that makes sense. Let's give them a representative."?  I think this one action would have made a tremendous different in what we see today. For better, worse, but mostly different.

Just a thought.

Have a good day.