Saturday, July 23, 2011

I love/hate confusion, and really so do you.

On Tuesday, I will be taking the CPA exam. I'm very nervous as it will be my first one and I am excited, this is the crowning achievement of a accountant's formal education. I have been thinking about these credential and I know a lot of professions have a similar credential that distinguishes people as competent in their field.

I was thinking about it and I know for CPA we might complain about things being too complicated, but in reality it's what we get paid for. We organize the complex. I know other professions are the same way. When I hear congress suggest a simpler tax code, in the back of my mind I think I don't want that, I want it so confusing that no one can do it on their own. In reality I know that congress will never actually make it simpler, even if they do try, I'm sure it will be more confusing. So I'm normally only about 2% worried.

Actually congress as just established a law stating that people that sign off on tax returns as paid tax preparers will have to pass an exam to do so. It should roll out either in 2012 or 2013. CPAs are exempt of course and I just think to myself cha-ching. 

How to become a Millionaire for Dummies

People are really dumb. We are, I am, the people around you are. Most people in this world have a dream of someday being a millionaire/ interdependently wealthy, when I'm old I'm sure everyone will want to be a billionaire.

Everyone knows the solution to this problem. I mean everyone! There is one rule that will guarantee any person success and here it is:


Now it may surprise you to find out that I am not wealthy and here is the problem: This rule is incredibly hard to follow. Just look at the Government. There are a lot of smart people in the government, but the government is run by a whole lot of dummies (i.e. Me & You).

So there's the secret in big bold letters just for all of us dummies. Figure out a way to actually hold to this one value and one day you will be wealthy beyond you wildest dreams, if you can't figure it out you're screwed. 

Find something that works for you and stick to it.

Here's a video that will drive it home:

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Interview & Resumes

So I really don't like my job. I have been looking for a new one pretty much since the second day. I have had a few interviews to some good places just down the street in Boise. None have offered me a job yet, so frustrating. I think it's a weird world we live in that a piece of paper and a 30 minute conversation is what gets you a job.

I also think it's funny. I could be a crazy person for all they know, that can pay someone to write a nice resume, fake it for 30 minutes and get the job. I have worked with some idiots in my day and if people were given a job after a internship or an extended period of time with a person, these people would be eternally unemployable.

I like the system but hate it also. Computers have only made it worse. I hate when I'm taking to someone on an initial phone call and they ask me a series of required questions in a mono-tone voice. I can hear them typing exactly what I am saying in response. Then their written version of my response goes on to someone that actually has the power to make a decision.

Interviews are pretty terrible to, half the time I think they go well, and then I don't get the job. Then he other half of the time I think it goes terrible and then I get the job. I apparently have a really bad read on these HR people. Maybe I should try to make it go bad, then I'll get the job, right? :)

Oh well, I have an initial interview with KPMG in Albuquerque, NM tomorrow. I hope I get it. I did just start using a new resume, so I'm happy it's getting a little response.

Have a good day!