Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Interview & Resumes

So I really don't like my job. I have been looking for a new one pretty much since the second day. I have had a few interviews to some good places just down the street in Boise. None have offered me a job yet, so frustrating. I think it's a weird world we live in that a piece of paper and a 30 minute conversation is what gets you a job.

I also think it's funny. I could be a crazy person for all they know, that can pay someone to write a nice resume, fake it for 30 minutes and get the job. I have worked with some idiots in my day and if people were given a job after a internship or an extended period of time with a person, these people would be eternally unemployable.

I like the system but hate it also. Computers have only made it worse. I hate when I'm taking to someone on an initial phone call and they ask me a series of required questions in a mono-tone voice. I can hear them typing exactly what I am saying in response. Then their written version of my response goes on to someone that actually has the power to make a decision.

Interviews are pretty terrible to, half the time I think they go well, and then I don't get the job. Then he other half of the time I think it goes terrible and then I get the job. I apparently have a really bad read on these HR people. Maybe I should try to make it go bad, then I'll get the job, right? :)

Oh well, I have an initial interview with KPMG in Albuquerque, NM tomorrow. I hope I get it. I did just start using a new resume, so I'm happy it's getting a little response.

Have a good day!

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