Saturday, July 23, 2011

How to become a Millionaire for Dummies

People are really dumb. We are, I am, the people around you are. Most people in this world have a dream of someday being a millionaire/ interdependently wealthy, when I'm old I'm sure everyone will want to be a billionaire.

Everyone knows the solution to this problem. I mean everyone! There is one rule that will guarantee any person success and here it is:


Now it may surprise you to find out that I am not wealthy and here is the problem: This rule is incredibly hard to follow. Just look at the Government. There are a lot of smart people in the government, but the government is run by a whole lot of dummies (i.e. Me & You).

So there's the secret in big bold letters just for all of us dummies. Figure out a way to actually hold to this one value and one day you will be wealthy beyond you wildest dreams, if you can't figure it out you're screwed. 

Find something that works for you and stick to it.

Here's a video that will drive it home:

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