Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Church & BBQ

So this weekend was great. The four day weekend was spent at home with my awesome family. I also spent time doing my lesson, which I procrastinated until the last minute. That was a little stressful, because I typically get my lesson prepared far in advance, I had just been working a lot of hours the last month, so it was hard to get myself to do it.

Memorial day was spent at a BBQ that a member of our ward puts on every year. Apparently this is the 13th-ish time since he couldn't remember when they started. The story of when they started he remembered though. Some friends of his wanted to have a get together on Memorial Day so that they would make and share some recipes they had wanted to make. They discovered that they would end up making six meals for six people, which was a bit too much. So they decided to invite whoever wanted to come over. 13 years later this is a well populated event. There was probably close to 70 people in attendance. They had some okay food, a typical LDS potluck.

I enjoyed seeing everyone, and Katelyn ate way too much desert. She is getting extremely independent and enjoys running away from us to the extent that she can still see us. If she can't see us then it's scary (scary for her and myself). There is no doubt that I'm very protective of my little girl and always try to take the extra step to insure her well-being.

Lorry also enjoyed herself, she got to talk to quite a few people. We also made some new acquaintances while we were there. Some people from a different ward came as a guest to the activity and it turned out they were from Spokane, WA, which is about two hours north of where Lorry grew up. They actually came to find out that they are related to her brother's fiances who he will be marrying in a little over a month. They actually said "I can't believe she's old enough to get married" I thought that was funny.

It was a nice weekend, and now I'm back at work. My client is taking some time to get off the ground, because the first steps of an audit have to be completed before we can go crazy and really start tackling the tasks we need to complete.

Well, universe have a good day and I hope to see you tomorrow.   

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