Saturday, May 19, 2012


I have spent more and more time thinking about Katelyn's education and like I am I worry about it all. I worry about getting in from preschool through college. I want her to aim her sights so incredible high that if she misses the stars she'll still hit the moon.

So I spend a lot of my time researching things that will help her in the future. This started before she was born, of course, so my first book I got on the concept with "home school year by year"  I bought it on amazon for 5 bucks or whatever and it contains a pretty good description of items that need to be learned every year from preschool to high school. I think it's a good book to have just to keep things in perspective. It definitely helped me understand the different steps that are taken in language arts, math, science, history/social sciences. It also helps me to understand where Katelyn should be and when.

I actually want to make sure that I accelerate the whole process, but it lets me see what a 3rd grade reading level actually means.

I also spend a lot of my time compiling online resources that I think she would like, I keep them on a separate wordpress blog, basically because at the time I started the resource list I was experimenting with wordpress. Here's the site if you want it.

I am constantly trying to get new things and really I'm held back by a few things things. Katelyn is 21 months now so basic communication skills are still lacking, she doesn't understand me well and I don't understand her well. She also doesn't have several basic motor skills that would enable her to learn to use a computer. Also I have financial and time resources that are extremely limited. I spend on average 60+ hours a week at work (public accounting) so I do what I can.

I love that we are starting to see more comprehensive online school such as,, and I think that education cost enough in time and energy, and the world would be a better place if more people obtained more education.

I also found an online university that is free. The problem is that it's still young and isn't accredited and I personally hope it will succeed. I made a very tiny donation and how I can do more work for them in the future.

Also lately I have been loving my job, I have to be honest about the hours and the political situation that goes into public accounting, they suck. I actually love the job because I get to work with some smart young people and I also work on some of the largest client's in the world. We talk about billions of dollars are work and the people I work closely with are making from 10x more then me to 100x more then me, which is exciting when I find out that they started out at the same firm as me. The experience is also incredible, 10 months I have learned how one of the largest insurance companies in the U.S operates, I have learned how a large hospital operates, I have learned a little bit about how a state's finance operate (a very little, most of it was over my head), also I have gotten to learn how a large construction/re-seller of modular building works. I also got to work and a tech company that made their IPO short before I got on the job. I think it's incredibly exciting.

Well I just felt like writing today. I'm about to leave work on Saturday, and just had some down time to write. 

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