Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Unexpected Expenses and Potty Power

I try to be an extremely frugal person. One way that I try to achieve financial success is to remove money from my control whenever I can. I have money that goes to a 401k, I have money that automatically goes into an after tax investment account. I have additional amounts taken out of my paycheck for income taxes so that I get a larger refund and am not tempted to spend the money when I get it.

So I make it so that we feel poor all the time by decreasing our income by so much. Most of the time it gives me a slight discomfort which is exactly how I want to feel. Lately though we have had a couple of unpredictable  mostly associated with out car. We have spent about $3000 this year in vehicle expenses and it actually took up a large part of our tax refund and income in general. So we are dangerously close to going into our meager emergency savings account, and we have been trying very hard to reverse this trend. This week though while driving to my new client who is an hour and a half away I discovered a leak in my radiator fluid, because my gauge when off. It cost us a few hundred bucks to fix and now it's messed up our cash balance and I keep trying to come up with ways to avoid taking money out of that saving account, but it just sucks.

I'm glad I work as a professional and am currently in some slow time on the client so my supervisor let me take most of the day to get it fixed and lucky was able to get it all done in one day. Also there was a really nice auto repair shop close to where I work that was recommended by several people so I really lucked out there. We'll recover, it just sucks.

Potty Power is a video that I checked out from the Library.  Which was one of the ones I saw on as being very effective. We brought it home which a bunch of other videos that I checked out, but this one is Katelyn's favorite. Lorry even told me today that while watching the video Katelyn put her potty seat on the adult potty and sat on it, on her own. This is huge, which is another positive for Dad's love of educational DVDs. I really enjoy seeing her get so smart and learning. There is one negative to this video though it definitely manipulates the kids by saying over and over that diapers are for little kids and going to the potty by yourself is for big kids. I personally don't like this type of persuasion because I feel like this same reasoning gets used by peers to get kids to do things they really don't want to do. If you want to be cool, you have to do what the cool kids do. Overall I like the video, it's very entertaining for little kids and we can see the results. I think I will have to come up with a way to neutralize the effects of this type of manipulation and I haven't really figured out a solid plan for it yet.

I love this family of mine.

Goodnight Universe.

"I've Got Potty Power!!!"

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