Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Four Day Weekend

So I am on an awesome client right now, it's a big one, and it's a first year. I realize to other auditors this seems like a nightmare, I know the hours will be terrible when we get closer to the deadline, but I also feel like I will learn so incredibly much from this client by the time I'm threw I'll be an all-star. So I take my terrible hours with pride. I have spent the last week studying loan securitization, governmental accounting, and trying to grasp this monster of a client.

First thing though is I have a four day weekend. I have minor project I have to do for work, but it will take maybe 10 minutes tomorrow and I'll be good to go. I also need to finish up the lesson I'm suppose to give on Sunday. Then I think I will probably just clean up. We need to make some room in our home, it's getting a little crazy to have so many useless items in this place. Obviously this means that they are useless to me, Lorry has a difficult time getting rid of things and I personally at times and disgusted by the amount of stuff I have accumulated.

We will probably hang out with Lorry's brother's family in Alexandra, VA which will be nice. I generally don't like to do too much on my days off. I feel like my job takes a lot out of me, so I just like to stay home when I don't have to be anywhere. I normally try to clean up and work on skills with Katelyn. I actually was so proud yesterday. I told Katelyn the letters of the Alphabet and asked her to tell me their sounds and she probably knows 21 of 26 letters. We have always used the flash cards, so this was really cool. In addition to her sitting on her potty independently.

She is my little princess and I want her to have some of the opportunities and experiences I never had.I want her to be very smart very early so she can focus on things that matter like volunteering, coming up with business ideas, and basically change the world for good.

Well, goodnight Universe.

Wish me luck in my job.

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