Friday, May 25, 2012


So I had a pretty relaxing day today. I just slept in until about 10AM which was super nice. Lorry was babysitting for someone this morning and she locked the door so that I could sleep. The kids did break in earlier and Lorry said "Be quiet he's sleeping" the kids "SSHHHHHH... SSHHHH!!" It made me laugh silently, I was trying to pretend to be asleep, because I really did want to go back to sleep.

I then woke up and just spent some time with everyone and it was nice just to watch them play and for Lorry and myself to just make sure they didn't get too crazy.

We also rented a movie last night it was the mission impossible 4 movie. It was okay. I had to take it back and Katelyn and I decided to stop by Goodwill. We spent some time reading books in the kid section. Katelyn read some books for about 20 minutes. I just watched her and waited. She was cute and I was planning on buying some any ways. Board books cost a lot of money to buy new, yet you can get them for 3/$1.00 at Goodwill. I always buy about six books when we go. Sometime they have writing in them but she doesn't care and I still enjoy reading them with her.

We then walked through some of the toys. She found a little ice cream truck that should could ride on. It had about 12 buttons that said different things like "Look both ways before crossing the street" and "Push the fudge ice cream" which there is a button for. She sat there for about half an hour just pushing buttons, and following me around a couple of other sections on her little ice cream truck. Then I knew we needed to go. I was hoping that she would have gotten bored with it by this time, but she didn't. I took her hand to go and she took about ten steps away, and then it hit her, she wasn't going to get the ice cream truck. So let go of my hand and started to run away. I chase/walked around a clothes rack, in the women's section, while she ran a couple circles around before she crawled under the clothes rack. Katelyn has develop the understanding that if I run one way she runs the other. So I know if I move she will just go the other way, so I just stayed still. She looked up at me very cutely from the other side of the rack. I couldn't follow her underneath because the bars were too close together for me to get threw. After waiting for what felt like 5 minutes she finally just got up and ran for the ice cream truck. I figured I'd give her a few more minutes, and then I took her off of it. She started to cry her sad, yet cute cry and I took her to the counter so I could pay for the books.

Now I'm home and she's getting ready for bed. It's been uneventful, yet wonderful. I enjoy my moments at home.

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